10 Best Free eBook Publishing Platforms

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In today’s fast-growing literature world, publishing book online is not an easy task. There is a plethora of online book publishers available; authors can publish their books with or without spending lots of money for publishing. However, some online publishing houses maintain publishing standards and help authors make their books successful. Whether you are an amateur writer or a seasoned author, these book houses provide you with a user-friendly platform that assists you in reaching out to a wide range of readers.

Among all those available online book publishing houses, I have handpicked the top 10 e-book publishing houses. These book publishing houses will help you to make your book a grand success.

Here are some of the free e-book publishers that have been endorsed by many successful writers.

  1. Double9 Books: This is one of the famous book publishers in India. It has set trademarks in publications. It is known as a multi-genre publisher because of its diverse fields of publications, and many great authors have evolved from this publication house. They provide self-publishing and zero-cost publications, too.

They offer a wide range of collections of books apart from publishing. They provide various services, from editing to designing, so that authors can publish their works hassle-free.

Their transparency in keeping track of the publishing process helps authors determine which stage their manuscript is at. Their exciting publishing packages make authors choose Double9Books publishing as their first choice.

Apart from the above positives, their maintenance of transparency of the publishing process with the authors made them stand apart from all the existing book houses.

  1. Drafts2Digital: This is another popular e-book publishing house, which provides a user-friendly platform for authors to publish their books online. It makes authors publish in flexible formats to reach out to the target readers.
  2. Lulu: Lulu offers only self-publishing methods to the authors to publish their books online. They also provide assistance in publishing process from editing to marketing.
  3. Wattpad: Wattpad is one of the popular free e-book publishing platforms which assists authors in publishing their stories. They have a wide range of connectivity across the globe, which helps your book to reach a wide range of readers.
  4. Smash Words: This is the most popular free e-book publishing platform distributes to major retailers such as Kobo, Booksbay, and many more. They offer a wide range of formatting tools for authors to enhance their manuscripts, which helps your book reach a wide range of readers.
  5. Amazon Kindle direct publishing: This is the most famous online platform that provides the flexibility for readers to publish online. They provide more royalty on sales.
  6. Barnes and Noble Press: Barnes and Noble’s Press is an e-book publishing platform that allows authors to publish their books using a self-publishing method. It offers a wide range of services, including design, editing, and marketing.
  7. Free e-books.net: This is mainly for e-book readers, but they also offer free e-book publishing services. They allow authors to publish their books and distribute them on online platforms.
  8. Kobo writing life: This is one of the famous self-publishing free e-book publishers. This publishing company allows authors to publish online and distribute to only Kobo bookstores.
  9. Google Play Books: This book publishing house allows the authors to publish and sell their books. But in this book house, they will be charging some amount of commission on the sales.

These are some of the best free eBook publishing platforms that encourage authors to publish their books without a single penny and achieve their dream of reaching out to the target readers. Select your book publisher wisely and make your book a successful one.

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