Determine, Build, and Realize your business’s value with the help of EVCOR – Enterprise Valuators Corporation. At EVCOR, we help small to mid-sized companies in Canada assess and identify aspects of their business that can help build value. Although we have experience in all manner of verticals, we have a depth of expertise with healthcare-related enterprises. Of these, pharmacies and veterinary clinics remain our valuation and M&A focus. After a thorough evaluation by our valuation specialists, we can identify potential opportunities that will unlock your business value for in the future.
There is a lot involved during the sale of a business, and it is imperative to have a more comprehensive plan beyond closing the deal. With the help of EVCOR, you get strategic tactics to get something beyond just the price for your business. We will also concentrate on deal structure, your legacy, tax strategy, and other issues.
10060 Jasper Ave Suite 2020, Tower 1, Edmonton, Alberta (AB) T5J 3R8